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微生物学免疫学进展 2016 年 2 月第 44 卷第 1 期 Prog in Microbiol Immunol,Feb. 2016, Vol. 44 No. 1 · 7 5 ·
lecular partners and only a few small molecule regulators [J]. Med metastatic behavior and tumor cell-in-duced angiogenesis of pan-
Res Rev, 2012,32 (5) :968-998. creatic cancer ce1ls [J] Zebrafish, 2009, 6(4):433-439.
[2] Salvarezza SB, Deborde S,Schreiner R, et al. LIM kinase 1 and [19] Bryan BA, Dennstedt E, Mitchell DC,et al. RhoA/ ROCK signa-
cofilin regulate actin filament population required for dynamin- ling is essential for multiple aspects of VEGF-mediated angiogen-
dlependent apical carrier fission from the trans-Colgi network [J]. esis[J]. FASEB J, 2010, 24(9):3186-3195.
Mol Biol Cell, 2009, 20(1):438-451. [20] Agaimy A,Carney JA. Lymphatics and D2-40 / podoplanin ex-
[3] Mcconnell BV,Koto K,Gutierrez-Hartmann A. Nuclear and cyto- pression in gastrmintestinal stromal tumours of the stomach with
plasmic LIMK1 enhances human breast cancer progression [ J]. and without lymph node metasta an immunohistoc; hemical study
Mol Cancer,2011,10:75-87. with special refer ence to the Carnet' triad [ J]. J Clin Pathol,
[4] Amano M, Nakayama M, Kaibuchi K. Rho- kinase/ ROCK:a key 2010, 63(3)229-234.
regulator of the cytoskeleton and cell polarity [ J] . Cytoskeleton [21] Gu X, Masters KS. Role of the Rho pathway in regulating valvu-
(Hoboken),2010,67(9):545-555 lar interstitial cell phenotype and nodule formations [ J]. Am J
[5] Maciver SK, Hussey PJ. The ADF/ cofilin family: actin-remode- Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2010,229(6):183-192.
ling proteins [J]. Genome Biol, 2002, 3(5): 1-12. [22] You T, Gao W, Wei J, et al. Over expression of LIMK1 pro-
[6] Bernstein BW, Bamburg JR . ADF/ cofilin: a functional node in motes tumor growth and metastasis in gastric cancer [J]. Biomed
cell bioloy [J]. Trends Cell Biol, 2010, 20(4): 187-195. Pharmacother,2015, 69: 96-101.
[7] Ikeda S, Cunningham LA, Boggess D, et al. Aberrant actin cy- [23] Davila M, Frost AR, Drizzle WE, et al. LIM kinase 1 is essen-
toskeleton leads to accelerated proliferation of corneal epithelial tial for the invasive growth of prostate epithelial cells:implications
cells in mice deficient for destrin ( actin depolymerizing factor) in prostate cancer [ J]. J Biol Chem, 2003,278 (38):36868-
[J]. Hum Mol Genet,2003,12(9):1029-1037. 36875.
[8] Dan C, Kelly A, Bernard O, et al. Cytoskeletal changes regulated [24] Yoshioka K, Foletta V, Bernard O, et al. A role for LIM kinase
by the PAK4 serine / threonine kinase are mediated by LIM kinase in cancer invension [ J]. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA , 2003,100
1 and cofilin [J] . J Biol Chem, 2001,276(34):32115-32121. (12):7247-7252.
[9] Van Troys M,Huyck L,Leyman S,et al. Ins and outs of ADF/ c; [25] Des Marais V,Ghosh M,Eddy R,et al. Cofilin takes the lead
ofilin activity and regulation[J] . Eur J Cell Biol, 2008,87(8 / [J]. J Cell Sci,2005,118(Pt 1):19-26.
9):649-667. [26] Manetti F. Recent findings confirm LIM domain kinases as emer-
[10] Takahashi H, Funakoshi H. LIM-kinase as a regulator of actidy- ging target candidates for cancer therapy[ J]. Curr Cancer Drub
namics inspermatogenesis [ J]. Cytogenet Genome Res, 2003, Targets,2012,12(5):543-560.
103 (3 / 4) :290-298. [27] Scott RW, Hooper S, Crighton D, et al. LIM kinases are re-
[11] Pavlov D , Muhlrad A. Actin filament severing by Cofilin [J] . quired for invasive path generation by tumor and tumor-associated
J Mol Bio1,2007,365(5):1350-1358. stromal cells [J]. J Cell Bio1,2010,191(1):169-185.
[12] Horita Y, Ohashi K, Mukai M. et al. suppression of the invasion [28] Horita Y,Ohashi K,Mukai M,et al. Suppression of the invasive
capacity of rat ascites hepatoma cells by knockdown of slingshot or capacity of rat ascites hepatoma cells by knock-down of Slingshot
LIM Kinase[J]. Biol Chem,2008,283(10) :6013-6021. or LIM kinase [J]. J Biol Chem,2008,283 (10):6013-6021.
[13] Wang W, Mouneimne G, Sidani M, et al. The activity status of [29] Chen P, Zeng M, Zhao Y,et al. Upregulation of Limk1 caused by
coflin is directly related to invasion, intravasation, and metastasis microRNA-138 loss aggravates the metastasis of ovarian cancer by
of mammary tumors[J]. J Cell Biol, 2006,173:395-404. activation of Limk1 / cofilin signaling [J]. Oncol Rep, 2014, 32
[14] Vlachos P, Joseph B. The Cdk inhibitor p57 ( kip2) controls (5): 2070-2076.
LIM-kinas l activity and regulates actin cytoskeleton dynamics [30] Ohashi K, Sampei K, Nakagawa M,et al. Damnacanthal, an ef-
[J]. Oncogene, 2009, 269(28): 4175-4188. fective inhibitor of LIM-kinase, inhibits cell migration and inva-
[15] Mardilovich K, Gabrielsen M, McGarry L,et al. Elevated LIM sion[J]. Mol Biol Cell,2014,25(6): 828-840.
kinase 1 in nonmetastatic prostate cancer reflects its role in facili- [31] 徐炜,陈清勇,陈方园,等. LIMK-1/ cofilin 在姜黄素抑制人肺
tating androgen receptor nuclear translocation [ J]. Mol Cancer 癌细胞增殖和转移中的作用 [ J]. 实用肿瘤杂志,2014,29
Ther,2015, 14(1): 246-258. (1):36-40.
[16] Hanahan D,Weinberg KA. Hallmarks of cancer: the next genera- [32] Zhou Y, Su J, Shi L, et al. DADS down regulates the Rac1-
tion [J]. Cell,2011,144(5):646-674. ROCK1 / PAK1-LIMK1-ADF/ cofilin signaling pathway, inhibiting
[17] Po′ uha ST, Shum MS, Goebel A,et al. LIM-kinase 2, a regula- cell migration and invasion[J]. Oncol Rep,2013,29(2): 605-
tor of actin dynamic,is involved in mitotic spindle integrity and 612.
sensitivity to microtubule destabi-Lining drugs [ J] . Oncogene,
2009, 290(4):597-607. 收稿日期:2015-07-02 修回日期:2015-07-30 编辑:王棣
[18] Vlecken DH, Bagowski CP. LIMK1 and LIMK2 are important for
lecular partners and only a few small molecule regulators [J]. Med metastatic behavior and tumor cell-in-duced angiogenesis of pan-
Res Rev, 2012,32 (5) :968-998. creatic cancer ce1ls [J] Zebrafish, 2009, 6(4):433-439.
[2] Salvarezza SB, Deborde S,Schreiner R, et al. LIM kinase 1 and [19] Bryan BA, Dennstedt E, Mitchell DC,et al. RhoA/ ROCK signa-
cofilin regulate actin filament population required for dynamin- ling is essential for multiple aspects of VEGF-mediated angiogen-
dlependent apical carrier fission from the trans-Colgi network [J]. esis[J]. FASEB J, 2010, 24(9):3186-3195.
Mol Biol Cell, 2009, 20(1):438-451. [20] Agaimy A,Carney JA. Lymphatics and D2-40 / podoplanin ex-
[3] Mcconnell BV,Koto K,Gutierrez-Hartmann A. Nuclear and cyto- pression in gastrmintestinal stromal tumours of the stomach with
plasmic LIMK1 enhances human breast cancer progression [ J]. and without lymph node metasta an immunohistoc; hemical study
Mol Cancer,2011,10:75-87. with special refer ence to the Carnet' triad [ J]. J Clin Pathol,
[4] Amano M, Nakayama M, Kaibuchi K. Rho- kinase/ ROCK:a key 2010, 63(3)229-234.
regulator of the cytoskeleton and cell polarity [ J] . Cytoskeleton [21] Gu X, Masters KS. Role of the Rho pathway in regulating valvu-
(Hoboken),2010,67(9):545-555 lar interstitial cell phenotype and nodule formations [ J]. Am J
[5] Maciver SK, Hussey PJ. The ADF/ cofilin family: actin-remode- Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2010,229(6):183-192.
ling proteins [J]. Genome Biol, 2002, 3(5): 1-12. [22] You T, Gao W, Wei J, et al. Over expression of LIMK1 pro-
[6] Bernstein BW, Bamburg JR . ADF/ cofilin: a functional node in motes tumor growth and metastasis in gastric cancer [J]. Biomed
cell bioloy [J]. Trends Cell Biol, 2010, 20(4): 187-195. Pharmacother,2015, 69: 96-101.
[7] Ikeda S, Cunningham LA, Boggess D, et al. Aberrant actin cy- [23] Davila M, Frost AR, Drizzle WE, et al. LIM kinase 1 is essen-
toskeleton leads to accelerated proliferation of corneal epithelial tial for the invasive growth of prostate epithelial cells:implications
cells in mice deficient for destrin ( actin depolymerizing factor) in prostate cancer [ J]. J Biol Chem, 2003,278 (38):36868-
[J]. Hum Mol Genet,2003,12(9):1029-1037. 36875.
[8] Dan C, Kelly A, Bernard O, et al. Cytoskeletal changes regulated [24] Yoshioka K, Foletta V, Bernard O, et al. A role for LIM kinase
by the PAK4 serine / threonine kinase are mediated by LIM kinase in cancer invension [ J]. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA , 2003,100
1 and cofilin [J] . J Biol Chem, 2001,276(34):32115-32121. (12):7247-7252.
[9] Van Troys M,Huyck L,Leyman S,et al. Ins and outs of ADF/ c; [25] Des Marais V,Ghosh M,Eddy R,et al. Cofilin takes the lead
ofilin activity and regulation[J] . Eur J Cell Biol, 2008,87(8 / [J]. J Cell Sci,2005,118(Pt 1):19-26.
9):649-667. [26] Manetti F. Recent findings confirm LIM domain kinases as emer-
[10] Takahashi H, Funakoshi H. LIM-kinase as a regulator of actidy- ging target candidates for cancer therapy[ J]. Curr Cancer Drub
namics inspermatogenesis [ J]. Cytogenet Genome Res, 2003, Targets,2012,12(5):543-560.
103 (3 / 4) :290-298. [27] Scott RW, Hooper S, Crighton D, et al. LIM kinases are re-
[11] Pavlov D , Muhlrad A. Actin filament severing by Cofilin [J] . quired for invasive path generation by tumor and tumor-associated
J Mol Bio1,2007,365(5):1350-1358. stromal cells [J]. J Cell Bio1,2010,191(1):169-185.
[12] Horita Y, Ohashi K, Mukai M. et al. suppression of the invasion [28] Horita Y,Ohashi K,Mukai M,et al. Suppression of the invasive
capacity of rat ascites hepatoma cells by knockdown of slingshot or capacity of rat ascites hepatoma cells by knock-down of Slingshot
LIM Kinase[J]. Biol Chem,2008,283(10) :6013-6021. or LIM kinase [J]. J Biol Chem,2008,283 (10):6013-6021.
[13] Wang W, Mouneimne G, Sidani M, et al. The activity status of [29] Chen P, Zeng M, Zhao Y,et al. Upregulation of Limk1 caused by
coflin is directly related to invasion, intravasation, and metastasis microRNA-138 loss aggravates the metastasis of ovarian cancer by
of mammary tumors[J]. J Cell Biol, 2006,173:395-404. activation of Limk1 / cofilin signaling [J]. Oncol Rep, 2014, 32
[14] Vlachos P, Joseph B. The Cdk inhibitor p57 ( kip2) controls (5): 2070-2076.
LIM-kinas l activity and regulates actin cytoskeleton dynamics [30] Ohashi K, Sampei K, Nakagawa M,et al. Damnacanthal, an ef-
[J]. Oncogene, 2009, 269(28): 4175-4188. fective inhibitor of LIM-kinase, inhibits cell migration and inva-
[15] Mardilovich K, Gabrielsen M, McGarry L,et al. Elevated LIM sion[J]. Mol Biol Cell,2014,25(6): 828-840.
kinase 1 in nonmetastatic prostate cancer reflects its role in facili- [31] 徐炜,陈清勇,陈方园,等. LIMK-1/ cofilin 在姜黄素抑制人肺
tating androgen receptor nuclear translocation [ J]. Mol Cancer 癌细胞增殖和转移中的作用 [ J]. 实用肿瘤杂志,2014,29
Ther,2015, 14(1): 246-258. (1):36-40.
[16] Hanahan D,Weinberg KA. Hallmarks of cancer: the next genera- [32] Zhou Y, Su J, Shi L, et al. DADS down regulates the Rac1-
tion [J]. Cell,2011,144(5):646-674. ROCK1 / PAK1-LIMK1-ADF/ cofilin signaling pathway, inhibiting
[17] Po′ uha ST, Shum MS, Goebel A,et al. LIM-kinase 2, a regula- cell migration and invasion[J]. Oncol Rep,2013,29(2): 605-
tor of actin dynamic,is involved in mitotic spindle integrity and 612.
sensitivity to microtubule destabi-Lining drugs [ J] . Oncogene,
2009, 290(4):597-607. 收稿日期:2015-07-02 修回日期:2015-07-30 编辑:王棣
[18] Vlecken DH, Bagowski CP. LIMK1 and LIMK2 are important for