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微生物学免疫学进展 2016 年 2 月第 44 卷第 1 期 Prog in Microbiol Immunol,Feb. 2016, Vol. 44 No. 1 · 7 1 ·
Sci, 2008,51(11):973-980. for human vaccines[J]. Curr Opin Immunol, 2010,22(3):411-
[26] Ifere GO, He Q, Igietseme JU, et al. Immunogenicity and pro- 416.
tection against genital Chlamydia infection and its complications [33] Haensler J, Probeck P, Su J, et al. Design and preclinical char-
by a multisubunit candidate vaccine[J]. J MicrobiolImmunol In- acterization of a novel vaccine adjuvant formulation consisting of a
fect, 2007,40(3):188-200. synthetic TLR4 agonist in a thermoreversible squalene emulsion
[27] Eko FO, Okenu DN, Singh UP, et al. Evaluation of a broadly [J]. Int J Pharm, 2015,486(1 / 2):99-111.
protective Chlamydia-cholera combination vaccine candidate[J]. [34] Yu H, Karunakaran KP, Jiang X, et al. Chlamydia muridarum T
Vaccine, 2011,29(21):3802-3810. cell antigens and adjuvants that induce protective immunity in
[28] Cambridge CD, Singh SR, Waffo AB, et al. Formulation, char- mice[J]. Infect Immun, 2012,80(4):1510-1518.
acterization, and expression of a recombinant MOMP Chlamydia [35] Cunningham KA, Carey AJ, Hafner L, et al. Chlamydia murida-
trachomatis DNA vaccine encapsulated in chitosan nanoparticles rum major outer membrane protein-specific antibodies inhibit in
[J]. Int J Nanomedicine, 2013,8:1759-1771. vitro infection but enhance pathology in vivo[ J]. Am J Reprod
[29] Sremac M, Stuart ES. Recombinant gas vesicles from Halobacte- Immunol, 2011,65(2):118-126.
rium sp. displaying SIV peptides demonstrate biotechnology po- [36] Ralli-Jain P, Tifrea D, Cheng C, et al. Enhancement of the pro-
tential as a pathogen peptide delivery vehicle[J]. BMC Biotech- tective efficacy of a Chlamydia trachomatis recombinant vaccine
nol, 2008,8:9-22. by combining systemic and mucosal routes for immunization[J].
[30] Sremac M, Stuart ES. SIVsm Tat, Rev, and Nef1: functional Vaccine, 2010,28(48):7659-7666.
characteristics of r-GV internalization on isotypes, cytokines, and [37] Stary G, Olive A, Radovic-Moreno AF, et al. A mucosal vaccine
intracellular degradation[J]. BMC Biotechnol, 2010,10:54-69. against Chlamydia trachomatis generates two waves of protective
[31] Childs TS, Webley WC. In vitro assessment of halobacterial gas memory T cells[J]. Science, 2015,348(6241):1245-1331.
vesicles as a Chlamydia vaccine display and delivery system[J].
Vaccine, 2012,30(41):5942-5948. 收稿日期:2015-07-10 修回日期:2015-07-17 编辑:王棣
[32] Mbow ML, De Gregorio E, Valiante NM, et al. New adjuvants
·文 摘·
虽然在注射部位保留抗原(称之为“ 储存” 效 抗体,但在 3 个月后用 OVA 再次攻击后未能驱动有
应)对疫苗开发而言是一种重要的策略,越来越多 效的 B 细胞记忆性应答。 与此相反,淋巴靶向性
的证据表明,用脂质体的靶向淋巴的疫苗对于改进 DOTAP-PEG-甘露糖脂质体疫苗却在初免后 3 个月
疫苗效力而言可能是一种有希望的方案。 然而,究 激发了持久性抗体产生和强有力的回忆性应答。 这
竟是抗原储存还是淋巴靶向机制有助于长期免疫记 就表明淋巴靶向机制比抗原储存机制更能促进长期
忆尚不清楚,而长期的免疫记忆是疫苗效力的决定 记忆性应答的建立,这种由 DOTAP-PEG-甘露糖脂
因素。 在这项研究中,OVA 抗原用 DOTAP 阳离子 质体强化的长期免疫记忆的原因是由于强有力的生
脂质体包载,或者用 DOTAP-PEG-甘露糖脂质体包 发中心应答以及增加的滤泡辅助性 T 细胞和次级
载,以期产生储存性脂质体疫苗或淋巴靶向性疫苗。 淋巴器官中中枢记忆性 CD4 T 细胞应答所致。 因
体内成像技术检测结果表明,用 DOTAP 阳离子脂 此,用 DOTAP-PEG-甘露糖脂质体投递淋巴靶向性
质体的疫苗大部分积累于接近注射的部位,而 DOT- 疫苗可被作为一种促进长期免疫记忆的有效的
AP-PEG-甘露糖脂质体疫苗则不仅有效地累积于引 策略。
流淋巴结(LNs) 和脾脏,而且还强化了定居抗原提
呈细胞对抗原的摄入。 虽然具有存储效应的 DOT- (苗鑫摘 陈锦荣校)
AP 阳离子脂质体疫苗在致敏后 40 天诱导了比
DOTAP-PEG-甘露糖脂质体疫苗更有力的 OVA IgG Wang C,et al. Vaccine,2014,32(42):5475
Sci, 2008,51(11):973-980. for human vaccines[J]. Curr Opin Immunol, 2010,22(3):411-
[26] Ifere GO, He Q, Igietseme JU, et al. Immunogenicity and pro- 416.
tection against genital Chlamydia infection and its complications [33] Haensler J, Probeck P, Su J, et al. Design and preclinical char-
by a multisubunit candidate vaccine[J]. J MicrobiolImmunol In- acterization of a novel vaccine adjuvant formulation consisting of a
fect, 2007,40(3):188-200. synthetic TLR4 agonist in a thermoreversible squalene emulsion
[27] Eko FO, Okenu DN, Singh UP, et al. Evaluation of a broadly [J]. Int J Pharm, 2015,486(1 / 2):99-111.
protective Chlamydia-cholera combination vaccine candidate[J]. [34] Yu H, Karunakaran KP, Jiang X, et al. Chlamydia muridarum T
Vaccine, 2011,29(21):3802-3810. cell antigens and adjuvants that induce protective immunity in
[28] Cambridge CD, Singh SR, Waffo AB, et al. Formulation, char- mice[J]. Infect Immun, 2012,80(4):1510-1518.
acterization, and expression of a recombinant MOMP Chlamydia [35] Cunningham KA, Carey AJ, Hafner L, et al. Chlamydia murida-
trachomatis DNA vaccine encapsulated in chitosan nanoparticles rum major outer membrane protein-specific antibodies inhibit in
[J]. Int J Nanomedicine, 2013,8:1759-1771. vitro infection but enhance pathology in vivo[ J]. Am J Reprod
[29] Sremac M, Stuart ES. Recombinant gas vesicles from Halobacte- Immunol, 2011,65(2):118-126.
rium sp. displaying SIV peptides demonstrate biotechnology po- [36] Ralli-Jain P, Tifrea D, Cheng C, et al. Enhancement of the pro-
tential as a pathogen peptide delivery vehicle[J]. BMC Biotech- tective efficacy of a Chlamydia trachomatis recombinant vaccine
nol, 2008,8:9-22. by combining systemic and mucosal routes for immunization[J].
[30] Sremac M, Stuart ES. SIVsm Tat, Rev, and Nef1: functional Vaccine, 2010,28(48):7659-7666.
characteristics of r-GV internalization on isotypes, cytokines, and [37] Stary G, Olive A, Radovic-Moreno AF, et al. A mucosal vaccine
intracellular degradation[J]. BMC Biotechnol, 2010,10:54-69. against Chlamydia trachomatis generates two waves of protective
[31] Childs TS, Webley WC. In vitro assessment of halobacterial gas memory T cells[J]. Science, 2015,348(6241):1245-1331.
vesicles as a Chlamydia vaccine display and delivery system[J].
Vaccine, 2012,30(41):5942-5948. 收稿日期:2015-07-10 修回日期:2015-07-17 编辑:王棣
[32] Mbow ML, De Gregorio E, Valiante NM, et al. New adjuvants
·文 摘·
虽然在注射部位保留抗原(称之为“ 储存” 效 抗体,但在 3 个月后用 OVA 再次攻击后未能驱动有
应)对疫苗开发而言是一种重要的策略,越来越多 效的 B 细胞记忆性应答。 与此相反,淋巴靶向性
的证据表明,用脂质体的靶向淋巴的疫苗对于改进 DOTAP-PEG-甘露糖脂质体疫苗却在初免后 3 个月
疫苗效力而言可能是一种有希望的方案。 然而,究 激发了持久性抗体产生和强有力的回忆性应答。 这
竟是抗原储存还是淋巴靶向机制有助于长期免疫记 就表明淋巴靶向机制比抗原储存机制更能促进长期
忆尚不清楚,而长期的免疫记忆是疫苗效力的决定 记忆性应答的建立,这种由 DOTAP-PEG-甘露糖脂
因素。 在这项研究中,OVA 抗原用 DOTAP 阳离子 质体强化的长期免疫记忆的原因是由于强有力的生
脂质体包载,或者用 DOTAP-PEG-甘露糖脂质体包 发中心应答以及增加的滤泡辅助性 T 细胞和次级
载,以期产生储存性脂质体疫苗或淋巴靶向性疫苗。 淋巴器官中中枢记忆性 CD4 T 细胞应答所致。 因
体内成像技术检测结果表明,用 DOTAP 阳离子脂 此,用 DOTAP-PEG-甘露糖脂质体投递淋巴靶向性
质体的疫苗大部分积累于接近注射的部位,而 DOT- 疫苗可被作为一种促进长期免疫记忆的有效的
AP-PEG-甘露糖脂质体疫苗则不仅有效地累积于引 策略。
流淋巴结(LNs) 和脾脏,而且还强化了定居抗原提
呈细胞对抗原的摄入。 虽然具有存储效应的 DOT- (苗鑫摘 陈锦荣校)
AP 阳离子脂质体疫苗在致敏后 40 天诱导了比
DOTAP-PEG-甘露糖脂质体疫苗更有力的 OVA IgG Wang C,et al. Vaccine,2014,32(42):5475